Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturday: booby traps and scavenger hunts

It was Joshua's turn to choose the family time activity, and so he chose Lego Challenge: make a booby trap for Indiana Jones.

Amanda: half way down the hallway there's a stone that when you step on it missiles come flying out.  The other missiles are there as decoys.

Ben: When you step near the treasure the floor moves and the bolder comes crashing down.

Isaac: when you pull the diamond away from the stand the steps turn into a ramp and you slide down

Joshua: two with when you step on a piece missiles fly and one fake floor that sends you into a pit.  (Two of these he made yesterday.)

Here's the video of them in action:

Joshua and I also finished his scavenger hunt (and went to the Peanut store).  None of the pictures are amazing, but I did have a very nice time.

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