Thursday, April 13, 2023

Thursday: this and that

It was a pretty normal day.  Teaching went fine, although the first class had a lot of students out sick.  There are only four more classes, and as always I'm ready for the semester to be finished.  Spring fever hits everyone.  It's been a pretty good semester though; no major issues and the normal amount of minor issues.  With the change from four credits to three credits per class next semester I'm having a bit of a hard time finding student help for next semester.  Students need to take five classes for a full load next semester and while each class *should* be less work I think everyone is expecting about the same amount of work.  So students are a bit hesitant about adding extra work into their schedules (and with the extra class for a full load it's harder to find a student that has an opening at the correct time).

I took a nap this afternoon.  Tornado was overly affectionate and really wanted to break my nose with his head-butts.  He finally settled though and we both fell asleep.

The weather has been beautiful.  It'll cool off again next week, but it is enjoyable for now.

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