Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday: water

Tonight I was getting ready for my shower and Flurry was on the side of the tub in the front. I kept giving her water from my hand because it was taking a while to get the right temperature. It finally was right and so I went around to the back to get in. Flurry did the same thing, but between the shower curtain and the plastic protecters. I didn't realize this until I bumped her into the tub with my knee. By this time there was a little bit of water in the bottom and so I wondered now she would react...she does love water.

She scrambled out so quickly that the whole event was over in a blink of an eye. I laughed at her...the whole event seemed like a good lesson.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday: counting

Today this child is 23 weeks old. Or something. Apparently at 23 weeks you get told your age by what size you are, not what age you are. Wouldn't that be cool as an adult? You could age backwards.

Anyway, that's not the point.

The point is that I'm annoyed with how months are counted in pregnancy. At 23 weeks, I start my 6th month and can tell everyone that I'm six months pregnant. Being six months pregnant lasts from 5m1d to 5m28d. When my baby is a real six months old, it will be when he is 6m1d to 6m30d. It seems like this latter way is how it should work. What especially annoys me is that they are measured differently. Sure, one seems like a better option, but either would be fine. BUT THEY SHOULD BE THE SAME. I always feel like I'm lying when I say how far along I am in months, so I try to go with weeks.

In more other news, I'm about halfway through knowing about the baby. I managed to skip week 20 because he jumped to week 21, so I'll celebrate today (by doing nothing special).

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday: hi


Not much to say tonight. Oh well. Can you believe that the summer is almost done?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday: evil genius

Today I played the game "Evil Genius" more than I should have.

I expected my minion to do the chores, since I was busy taking over the world.

Flurry just looked at me and yawned.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday: registering

Ben and I went to Target tonight to start registering. Not to necessarily scan everything we wanted there, but at least get started.

I think it would have been hilarious to watch us; we had almost no clue what we were doing.

"Let's choose a crib! I read that the slat have to be no more than so far apart and no drop sides."
"They all have those features."
"And they all turn into toddler beds."
"Well, I think that one is ugly."
"I don't like this one."
"That still leaves three to choose from."

"Let's get a mattress! The firmer the better."
" Extra firm or ultra firm?"
(We were able to figure that one had more coils.)

"Let's get spoons!"
"There's too many."
Luckily, a nice lady took pity on us and recommended some.

"Let's get this shark towel."
"It doesn't look like a shark."
"I know. It actually looks like a monster and I think that'll be cuter."

"Let's get a pack-n-play!"
"This one has too much extra stuff."
"This one has a hood...that looks annoying to deal with."
"You can leave the second level in when packing this one up."
(This was probably the easiest thing to choose.)

"Let's get him an electronic!"
"Only if you can justify why it should be on the registry."
"A large TV? He will need a large TV."
( We couldn't find one absurdly large enough.)
"Legos? How about Lego Pirates, the video game."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday: emails

Last night I sent an email to a few old co-workers to let them know that I was pregnant. Word spread and a bunch of people ended up emailing me back. It was a nice feeling.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday: a funny

Oh, I guess you'll need to click on the picture. I came across this while doing some training for work.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday: quote

(I couldn't find the quote but I'll credit it to him anyway.)

As my wise brother once said, "Change is hard."

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday: baby advice requested

Well, now that we know we're having a boy (and the first baby shower is coming up soon), I'm looking for advice. I know there is a lot of advice out in the mysterious interwebs, but I'm curious as to what my friends (or random readers) think. So I'll happily read any advice that you have, although I will admit that I might not follow all the advice.

To get you started:

1. Registries
1a. We will be registering at Target. Babies R Us is about 45 minutes away from us. Would Babies R Us or Amazon be a better choice?
1b. What is something that you thought you needed but you really didn't end up using?
1c. What is something that you wish had been on the list?
1d. There are so many options...which items do we need to research ahead of time and which can we go to the store and pick our favorite?
1e. What specific things (with a brand) have worked well for you and that you would recommend?

2. Diapers
2a. We're considering cloth diapers. Any thoughts?
2b. How much extra work/time do cloth diapers actually take?
2c. Which brand of diapers (cloth or disposable) seem to work well or poorly for you?

3. Daycare
3a. What questions do you think we should ask prospective daycare providers (beyond the basics)?

4. Other
4a. What tricks did you learn that worked well?
4b. What other advice do you have that hasn't been covered in a previous question?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday nights: they still hate me

Sunday nights still hate me. All Sunday nights.

I don't know what I do differently on Sundays that I don't do on Saturdays. I couldn't think of anything that I consistently do differently.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday: random things

Lots of random things today...

Here is a picture of Flurry in one of her favorite places. Sometimes she just hangs out there, even if we aren't in the bathroom.

Ben felt the baby move today. He said it felt really faint (and it was one of the stronger kicks) but he was able to identify when the baby kicked without me saying anything.

Here I am at 21 weeks.

We went to a party with people from Ben's work tonight. I knew one person, so that was nice. Actually, I kind of knew two because I was an intern with one at JCI right after high school. we were doing the normal, "I don't think we've met when we looked at each other and realized that we did know each other."

Also I realized that I don't know what the word Ebenezer means, even though it is in hymn that I like (it was also the name of a church that we passed). It means "stone of help.".

I wish it wouldn't feel so wasteful to get new sheets more often. They're so soft.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday: donuts

Today we're not going to talk about how many donuts I had today, because it was more than I should have had.

But they were all delicious.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday: It's a... we've all been waiting for: ultrasound day! Yay! The baby seems healthy, at least according to the initial looks. I'll find out in about two weeks if that isn't the case.

The baby on the side: head on the right. The baby was rather wiggly. It started in one direction and by the end had turned itself 180 degrees. We also saw its mouth open and close a few times.

We saw all the different parts, including a foot, arms, legs, heart, head, etc. As the tech was going through the different layers of the skull it looked kind of like a horror film, but the outermost layer always looked ok.

After doing the measurements they also moved the due date up a week to Dec 27. It's a little bit sad that it is closer to Christmas, but at the same time it would be nice to meet the baby earlier.

Well, on to the news that I know you've been anxiously waiting my MRI scan went this morning. Imagine you're at a new age concert with a synthesizer and a wooden block...that's what it sounded like. Except you could see only white. I had the scan because of my weird, super short but super painful headaches that I was having in March and April. I haven't had them since then, but since it wasn't the first round of them the doctor decided to get the MRI done just in case. It was longer than I expected...20 to 30 minutes...and by the end I was getting sore from just being still for so long. I'll find out in a few days if there's something wrong, but I doubt it.

Ok, back to the baby. It's a boy. I had convinced myself that it was a girl so I was rather surprised, but not at all sad. I keep saying to myself, "It's a boy!!"

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday: sleepy

Well, I had a special post all figured out in my head but then I got too tired to write it. So tomorrow you'll get an two for the price of one post, because I knew what I was writing about for tomorrow too.

did I just mess up my tenses? I'll blame it on being sleepy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday: emails

Today I was hoping to receive several (3-4) email in my inbox when I got home. They were all "business" related...nothing fun, but still interesting and pertaining to things we're trying to do right now.

I only got one. I was a bit disappointed and proceeded to check my email every five minutes for the next half hour, even though it was after 5pm and no one was going to get back to me any longer.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday: hmm

Hmm, I realized that I should write something tonight. Well, maybe not should write. But want to write. But...we didn't really do anything that profound again today. Flurry cuddled with us more this weekend than she has in a long time, so that was nice.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday: rain

It was a wonderful rainy day today. I managed to get some chores done, but was also rather tired and so did a lot of relaxing. Relaxing and rain go well together.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday: dreams

I keep dreaming about doing chores. Which is annoying not only because I'm doing chores in my dreams, but they still aren't done in real life.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday: turtle diagrams

I've been in training the last two days. At one point yesterday we learned about turtle diagrams. The instructor said, "This is a turtle diagram, for obvious reasons." However, I would like to say that it is not obvious. I mean sure, there is a turtle in the middle. But why a turtle? We'll also notice that three legs are inputs and one leg is an output, so there isn't even continuity with that.

It has seriously bothered me for two days now.

Image from here

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday: food

It seemed as though everything interesting today centered around food. I had a donut for breakfast this morning (yay) but then threw it up. Then Flurry threw up her food.

I had some delicious bread and homemade jam for a snack, but then dropped the last bite on the floor. I was in training all day and so they gave us lunch, and while eating a big wind gust gusted and knocked my red HiC on someone's pants and lost the last two bites of sandwich to the ground.

On the upside of food, some friends from NY came by for the night! We went out for dinner, visited the beach, and stopped for ice cream. It was nice to see some familiar faces again.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday: M&Ms

A few weeks ago Ben put a few normal M&Ms in the Cheerio box. I found them yesterday. It was exciting and delicious...much better than getting a little toy in the box.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday: normal weekend

This weekend was the first weekend in a while that felt normal. A nice amount of chores got completed...more than have been completed in a while but about the normal amount that used to get done before we both got sick. And the kitchen is clean! And we have the new sheets on the bed!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday: Flurry's new food

Flurry used to get this food. I liked it because she seemed to be able to regulate herself on eating it. Once in a while she would eat all of it, but most of the time there was a little bit left the next day, so I knew she wasn't starving and that she was a smart cat and wouldn't get herself fat.

Then Flurry started having some small problems, so the vet recommended hairball control food. She loves this food. She eats her daily allotment within the first hour. She's chewed open the ziplock that we keep some food in twice. She looks at her food bowl with sad eyes whenever we're in the kitchen.

I don't know whether to be happy that we've found a food that she likes or sad because it now takes more work to keep her from overeating.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday: baby update

I finally had my doctor's appointment today. I'm supposed to be eating more vegetables, but besides that everything went well. The heart rate was 165 and the baby kicked once to let us know we were invading its privacy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday: one of those days

Today was one of those days were one thing went wrong and suddenly every thing was going wrong.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday: blast from the past

Today I was installing some training software on my computer at work. no big deal, right? Wrong. I need a floppy drive. The software requires a floppy drive to save data to...and you can't change it to another drive. I installed the software with a CD, so it made me wonder when the software was published.


Really? floppy disks were almost dead by then. I had a box I brought with me to college, but rarely used it. So to not even have the option to change from the floppy seems idiotic.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday: quilts

I finished a quilt! It still needs to be ironed.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday: trimming

This morning I went outside, intending to trim some bushes in the front. However, I had two problems: 1) I had branch cutters, not trimming shears and 2) I like pruning more than trimming. So which I did do some trimming, I did take off more large chunks of bush that I was planning on. I think it is a good thing though, as the bushes are getting a bit overgrown.

While I was outside I realized that I yard sale was going on two houses down. So I stopped by and ended up with a baby carrier. I thought of Clay and Jess because I remember when they got their baby carrier at a garage sale too. The thing has a lot of snaps, hooks, and buckles, but I still managed to figure out how to put it together. Yay!

Friday: end of the week

Yay! It's the end of the week. Unfortunately, I have a long list of things to get done this I'm already preparing myself for an unproductive(ish) weekend. we'll see how it goes. I am excited because I bought some new sheets. We never found the bottom sheet of the second set after we moved and I figured that if we ever found it, three sets would be fine.

Tonight we played Dominion with people and it was a lot of fun

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday: brownie

Tonight I made a brownie. It's only one brownie before it's cut, right? And I was really just getting rid of some old was an 9x9 size, which I never make. It is usually too much brownie for just Ben and me but not enough for a group function. And I told myself I would clean after I got the brownies ready for the oven but the oven wasn't at temp yet.

I managed put away one ingredient before the oven was ready. lucky me!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday: Sid

When the thought of food makes me nauseous, I think of Sid.

Sid hopped into a backpacker's backpack when they were exploring the jungle. The backpacker went home to their home on a farm. (Sid passed TSA security by being on his side and the TSA agent being distracted. Sid survived by eating snacks in the backpack and the condensation from bottles/cups put in the backpack.)

There Sid met Harriet.

That's all the farther I've gotten. Usually at this point Sid is on a fence rail.

Stay tuned for the next installment: what do Sid and Harriet say to each other? What do they do together?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday: today

I suppose today could have gone better, although it really wasn't bad. I got a runny nose at 11am and it will not stop running. I was also supposed to have an OB appointment, which I was looking forward to, but it got canceled 10 minutes before the appointment. I also finished the Hunger Games trilogy. it was really good, but the book ended. the end of a good book is always sad.

I did manage to make a delicious curry though.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday: red dots

A bunch of little red dots appeared on my face today. I'm assuming it's a pregnancy related thing but there didn't seem to be any official info on the Internet.

I was going to take a picture, but went to bed instead. Maybe tomorrow if they're still there.

Sunday evening: why do you hate me?

Sunday nights make me throw up.


Only Sunday nights.

It's annoying.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday: Charlevoix

Today we spent the whole day with the extended was fun.

It started out with some monsters.

Then Ben wake boarded.

We went on another boat ride

and watched fireworks and a boat parade

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday: the best trip ever

Tonight we were going up to Charlevoix and a little bit in front of us a semi-truck turned over onto the side of the road, spreading what it was hauling all over the road. So we had to stop. What could it be except an Entermann's truck filled with donuts?!?!

So we helped to clear the road and in exchange for our help we got to eat our fill and then fill up the car with donuts. I packed them in!

Wouldn't that have been awesome? Ben and I spent a lot of time figuring out all the couldn't just be a regular donut truck because we were driving the company car and the donuts needed to be packaged so it wouldn't make a mess of the car. But they still had to be good donuts.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday: shift

Today I was typing and realized that I always use the right shift key on the keyboard. It means that sometimes my left hand has to take over a few of the keys that the right hand usually hits. Although most of the capital letters were supposed to be hit by the left hand (at least for the things that I was writing).

Then I tried using the left shift key. It didn't work so well.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday: It's here...our trip home

I received my response from JetBlue tonight about getting a refund after our travel disaster. They gave us both $100 credit (at least that's what the email says...I haven't verified it). So I have a great offer for can have our credit for a reduced price. Maybe $75 each? Or really the first offer that we get. I figure that enough people travel JetBlue that they must have some good luck. Anyway, without further ado, our story. Oh, there is further ado. Sorry it's so long. I had a lot of time to write it while waiting. And Ben and I might not agree exactly with the time frames...I really only checked my watch a few times.

Well, I'm sad to say that I have had my worst travel experience. We were sitting in the airplane (there was ac at least) and heard that the doors were going to close in five minutes. Ten minutes later, there was a big hydraulic leak in the landing break. Then the flight was canceled. period. They led us back to the terminal and left us at gate two. This felt like the middle of no where, especially since we had left from a completely different section. They told us to sit anywhere and listen for the announcement. do they not realize how hard it is to hear announcements in an airport? we tried finding out information and standing in lines that didn't move for the next two hours, while hearing rumors that we would be bused to Santo Domingo. But nothing was done in those two hours...there was just mass confusion. a whole plateful of people that were confused.

finally they said that they were going to take us back to the checking area and we could choose one of two stay in Punta Cana and try to get a flight tomorrow (no guarantees) or take a bus 3.5hours to Santo Domingo to try and get a flight. Emphasis still on try. ok, we formed a line and started moving again. No problem. We got to immigration and since they had to check every passport, our line got lost. No one knew where our bags were going to come out, nor where to go after we got our bags. Someone said carousel two, a bit later they changed to carosel two. someone was trying to help at this point at least.

Then we ran to check-in, where tempers were starting to flare. Not that it really mattered...the computers were down and so no one was rebooking anything. one more line to stand in that didn't move. The person in charge then said that there were 60 seats (for about 130 people) and we were going together on the bus in an orderly manner. Ha. He tried, I'll give him that. Ben and I barely made the last bus, but he had to play the pregnancy card (although he had said pregnant people could get in the first bus). Three cheers for the kid.

The bus ride was nice. our driver drove quickly and caught up with the first bus. And we got to see a lot of the country...a big church, a big bridge, cows and birds grazing in a field, tobacco (we think), and stores in several cities. then all the stations at the Jet Blue counter were manned, which was nice. tempers were still a little high, but after the ride in an air conditioned bus, people were doing a lot better. the airport was almost empty, so customs and such went very quickly. the power went out briefly, but luckily turned back on after about thirty seconds.

Well, this flight ended up leaving 2.5 hours late. I think they delayed the plane by thirty minutes for us, but we would have been fine anyways. There were paperwork problems, so by the time we got to NY and were waiting for our luggage it was 3am. Oh, the nice attendant at Punta Cana did give us one of the seats with extra leg room though, so that was nice.

Then we went to check back in and I was disgusted at the service. The attendant said "no" to our request for food vouchers without even checking anything. (As a side note, we were so late that we didn't ask for a hotel. Some other people we talked to later got a $50 voucher...there is no place near the airport where the voucher will cover.). Then the manager came over and we told her the story. In the meantime the attendant is rather rude and surprised that we are going through NY to get to Chicago...but that is how connections work. TWENTY minutes later we finally get a food voucher for $8 a piece. I'm not sure how $8 can be considered a good compensation. We went pretty conservative on food (but still got a meal) and had to pay an additional $10.

Then to top everything off Ben's tray table didn't work on the last flight and we werent sitting together, so he had to stay awake to hold his drink.

We got in 12 hours late. Twelve hours doesnt sound too bad, but when you consider that we were now required to drive home after little sleep (I.e., no motel for the night) and the terrible service, it all adds up to the worst traveling I've ever done.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday: quilting

Today I managed to convince myself that I shouldn't go to bed at 7:30pm (because that really is too early). I had been wanting to do some quilting again after doodling patterns on graph paper yesterday.

So after not having touched my sewing machine in over two months, I finished quilting Quilt 6. (To be fair, it was almost finished.)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tuesday: The News

Ben and I are happy to announce that we are having a baby.

A baby! We're excited and scared at the same time.

I've been writing blog posts about it for a while now and just published them. You can follow the label "child" below or just click here.

I am due January 3rd. It was a pretty rough 1st trimester, but things are slowly improving. The last two weeks (including vacation) were better, although I'm still having some sickness. My pants are getting rather tight and if I have long enough shirts I've just been leaving the top button undone. I got a belly band but it is a bit uncomfortable and tight. I might try again if my pants actually start falling down or I'm wearing a short shirt. We are going to find out the gender, but I'm not sure if that is going to be the end of July or the end of August. I think that is really all the information that I have.

Here's a picture of the tiny bump from last week. You have to squint a little bit :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday: more relaxing

Today was another nice and relaxing day. We went to church but mostly chilled for the rest of the day. We did manage to sneak in a few chores though.

Saturday: a day with the family

Today Ben and I went to my parent's place and got to see Nathan and Liz. It was a very nice and relaxing day. I'm pretty sure that I was in the hammock for almost the entire afternoon.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday: we win

This morning in training we got to do to a hands on exercise to demonstrate continuous improvement. We started at two fake bumpers per minute (although there were a bunch of "problems" that we didnt know about). By our third pass we were making one fake bumper every 7.5 seconds. I was in charge of putting the unpainted nut on.

We beat the previously known record by two bumpers in five minutes. Because we're awesome.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday: this and that

I saw I broken down motorcycle by the side of the road today. I don't think I've ever seen that before, which made me wonder if it is because there are less motorcycles on the road or because motorcyclists take better care of their motorcycles.

I contemplated buying more underwear while I was at Target today so I wouldn't have to do laundry. Now I'm contemplating wearing used underwear if I can't drag some up from the dregs of the underwear bucket. I expect I can find something, but I don't know if it will fit well.

I went to the doctor to get my ear checked out because I still couldn't hear anything after something happened in the pool. It turns out that I just have a lot of wax and the pool did something to push it down a bit. So the doctor flushed out my ears. It was rather gross how much was in there, but there isn't much I can do about it. And now I can hear!

update: I found some clean underwear so you can rest comfortably tomorrow knowing I didn't have to reuse any.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday: first day of work

Today was my first day of work. It was mostly training, so really rather boring. They did have some cool desks though. When you need a computer/keyboard/mouse they can come out of this storage unit on the back of the desk. It was cool.

I also finished earlier than expected so went to meet my fellow workers. They weren't really expecting to see me until Friday, so there wasn't much to do. Oh well, it was a pretty easy day overall.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday: we're home

We got home today after the worst traveling I've ever had. I'm going to ask for a refund. When I don't get it, I'll share the details.

But at least we're home. I expect that some people we were traveling with are still at the airport.

Here we are in the airport with Dusty and Laura. We were supposed to have left before got there.

Saturday: review

I'm in the plane, so I thought I'd take some time to write a review of the resort.

As a disclaimer, I had a lot of fun there and would definitely do the trip again.

We'll start with the hit and miss items.
1. The food. Most of it was just ok, although we had some bad things and some very delicious things. For the most part it seemed to be substance rather than carefully prepared, although everyone had found some favorites by the end of the trip.
2. The service of the restaurants. Some days we were waited on promptly and never lacked for anything. One night we waited 45 minutes to place our orders and one morning I never got anything to drink at the buffet.
3. Towels. They usually had towels in the morning for the beach, but when we wanted them in the afternoon they were often out. They usually got more within an hour.
4. Housekeeping. One day our toilet didn't get cleaned (and it needed it) and we only had one bath towel. However, about twelve hours later housekeeping brought more towels and remade the bed after our nap. Besides that It was fine...nothing special nor anything bad.
5. Key cards. Everyone in our group had their key cards turn off a day or two before they were supposed to leave. I don't understand why, but it was rather annoying.
6. Room location. We had asked that all four rooms be close together and that was completely ignored. They couldn't have been further apart. I'm not sure if we could have asked sooner to prevent this or if they just ignored the email.
7. The Bulter. Some of our group had a very attentive butler, while we had a slightly hard time getting a hold of ours. He told us about the room service, but then didn't give us a menu.
8. aroma therapy. At the beginning they ask what aroma therapy you want in your room. Ben and I got something once, but no one else got anything.

And we'll end with the good things.
1. Grounds. They were beautiful, well maintained, and clean.
2. Rooms. The rooms were nice...a large open area, nice bed, sitting area, and balcony. The showers had a head on top and some side spouts. We could fit eight people in the room pretty easily.
3. Restaurant seating. I don't think we ever had to wait more than five minutes to be seated with a party of eight.
4. Things to do. We only attended a few shows at night, but between the shows and the daily activities there was no reason to be bored.
5. The beach. It was beautiful. The ocean bottom was a nice sand. there was some seaweed, but it wasn't bad. There were kayaks, boogie boards, and snorkel gear to use. (Although there wasn't much to see by our beach)
6. The special elegance club. This extra part was worth it. There were some snacks close to the beach and pool that you could just grab. It gave you access to close bars and emptier pools. It also provided a nice air conditioned area where eight people could play games.
7. The street vendors. If you negotiate well, you can get items much cheaper than the gift stores. However, they were only there one day for a limited time
8. Drinks. Drinks were easy to get.

Thursday: first thing that doesn't fit

My brown skirt is the first item of clothing that officially doesn't fit. My jeans have been periodically tight (although I now haven't worn them for several days) but still fit. The skirt was not going to close or even come close to closing...unless it was at my true waist, which is not really comfortable.

luckily, I had a plan. It had been too big when I bought it, so I had put two darts in it. I just removed the darts. Yay

Thursday: this and that

We varied our routine slightly today, but not by much. :)

After breakfast we got boogie boards and rode the waves into shore. I'm pretty sure that I don't know what I'm doing, but they made nice floaty things. The few times I let myself go all the way to the beach I got super sandy. Oh well...the boards were still fun.

We had lunch at the CNC again. I had pizza for the first time there and it was really good. Most of the food there has been good. Then nap time and Dominion.

The girls went to check out some "street vendors" that were set up by the shops. I ended up with a blue necklace. I've been thinking that I need a new one for a while now, so the timing was good. The guy said $35. I said $10. The guy said $25 and then quickly saw I was going to walk away so said $15. I said I don't want it for that, he so he said fine. $10. I don't think it is a steal, but I do think it is a fair price. And it is really pretty.

Some pool time followed. There were more jumping pictures.

Then we went back to the steakhouse. They sat us pretty quickly, but that is about were the service stopped. We had one menu ( which was fine because we had plenty of time to pass it around). We had to wait a little bit for drinks, but one of the waiters noticed fairly quickly and got them promptly. I asked for two rounds of bread before they took our order...we probably sat there for about 45 minutes by the time we ordered. I'll grant you that there were two large parties in the me area, but still...

After dinner we went to a room and hung out for a while as it was the last night we would all be here. I found out that Im not the only one that doesn't wear makeup, which was an awesome find. The night was fun and a little sad.

I apparently didn't take many pictures today. We're all going to share photos, so sometimes I just wasn't the one taking them.

Friday: last day

Four of our group left today. We had a nice breakfast and just hung out until it was time for them to leave in the morning.

dusty: who is the governor of Minnesota?
Ryan: Durnham. From the Durnham family.

We then had lunch at the air conditioned buffet place. It had all the same food as the CNC by the beach and fewer people but I didn't like it as much...the lines for the foods I wanted seemed longer.

The beach was next on the agenda. The breeze was so nice,as always, so we didn't get in the water but just read and slept under the shade makers. Ben and I walked the big main pool on our way was nice and curvy with some cool features, but it was also very full and there weren't many extra chairs.

At the Italian place I tried ordering a double portion of raviolis, but it didn't work. I thought he understood me, but somewhere I guess the communication didn't work. Ben and Dusty gave me some of theirs to help out.