Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday: Happy Sunday

Today was a pretty normal Sunday. We went to church, did a few errands, and came home. I was super tired at that point...I could barely keep my eyes open during the episode of Castle that we watched. So I took a nap right after that.

Flurry has been sleeping on my lap a lot today while I've been playing WoW, so that's been fun. It's a nice feeling.

Oh, and I think we found the problem with the beeping smoke detector. The one we thought it was was the wrong one. Stay tuned to see if the next one that we think is the correct one really is.

1 comment:

betsy said...

we had the same smoke detector problems here recently - ended up replacing almost all of the batteries before it finally stopped beeping - but since it beeps so infrequently, it took days - maybe weeks! :)