Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday: Crazy Love chapter 4

At church we're going through the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. This week's chapter was about being lukewarm. The chapter made it feel like if I'm not doing the things that he listed I'm a bad Christian. But if I can put those feelings to the side, I can also realize that there are many aspects of my life in which I'm not a great Christian. Good? Maybe. Sometimes I have to squint. But God is the most important thing in my life and I don't always act like he is.

I can start with a basic question: does everyone around me know that I love God? My family does. My friends do. I guess that even my faithful blog readers know. (If there even are any that don't fall into the friends and family category.) But do my co-workers? I'm pretty sure they know I'm a Christian. But do they know that I love God? I spend a lot of time with them. But the most I ever talk about is that I've gone to church. Anything more than that is uncomfortable.

So my prayer today, and hopefully for the days to follow, is that I'm more uncomfortable.

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