Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday: four question friday

1. If you had $10,000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose?
I'd buy goats. I usually get them from CRWRC.
(Image from here.)

2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
Well, I don't have kids so snow days really don't affect me too much. However, if I need to stay home then it depends if I brought me computer with me. If I can work from home snow days are fun. If I can't, they're annoying because I need to take an unplanned vacation.

3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
The ability to think on my feet faster in order to persuade them to agree with my opinion.

4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie?

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