Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday: Spring Break?

Today was the first day of spring break.  Hahaha.  As though I'm going to let the kids off that easy.  I know times of rest are important, but we can't do much other than what we've already been doing.  So we had school.

Now, I did remove some of the normal school items and replace them with slightly more fun items, like water play, watching a show while taking apart Lego sets, and games.  But there was still stuff to be learned.  Isaac didn't finish his packets for school that came home three weeks ago, so I told him he needs to finish by Thursday in order to get screen time Friday.  He also needs to have his bedroom cleaned by then.  It might be a struggle as he isn't on track to finish and doesn't use any 'extra time' to do it.  We'll see.

Anyway, today's challenge for Joshua was to build something using only green bricks.  He built a dragon on a dragon mech.

Horizon enjoyed sitting on the laptop keys today.  It was a bit of a problem.

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