Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday: ladders, ELA, ice castles, and karate

The boys played on the ladder a little bit today, but the cats took their turn learning how to climb up and down ladders.

Joshua has been working on a Lego surprise for me for several days and finally finished it today.  He made an ice castle (for the family).  It's really quite large and he did a great job with it!

ELA went so much better today.  I think Isaac was in a better mood and I had him talk though the written portions instead of write them.  Of course, he still did some writing in other places.  (Below was some math homework.  I'm not sure it's completely math, more like science, but it went well too and didn't take too long.)

Joshua had to bring a stuffed animal to karate.  He chose Grey Bear, and I was inwardly so glad that he chose Grey Bear instead of Pokeball.

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