Saturday, November 21, 2020

Saturday: kids

 Well, I was rather fed up with the kids today.  I'll be honest, I'm not really sure what set me off.  My to-do list is larger than it's been since the beginning of the year.  It isn't all super important, but it does include things that I'd like to get done.  And the kids are just so messy.  I have enough to do without reminding them over and over to clean up.  Or, let's be honest, cleaning up for them because it's easier.

I called them upstairs a few minutes before dinner time to do a few minutes of extra cleaning.  They weren't happy about it, but they didn't really complain either.  Which was lucky for them, because my mood had gone down surprisingly fast and they weren't going to get any dinner.  At least, not dinner prepared by me.

In better news, Joshua ended up making his own lunch today.  I think I was taking too long.  Surprisingly, he cleaned up after himself!  (I understand that I just complained about them not cleaning up.  I still think my point above is a bit valid.)  He put the crunchy beans back in the chip area with the clip on...but neglected to realize that it works best when the top is folded. :D

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