Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tuesday: opinion

 I was unwillingly listening to Isaac's lesson about facts and opinions today when I heard the teacher say, "'I love to dance' is an opinion."  After thinking about it for a few seconds, I realized that no, I think that is a fact.  It's one of those weird ones that is right on the fence.  It could change into an opinion with one slightly different word ("I should love to dance."  "Everybody loves to dance.") But saying it about yourself is really a fact.  It was bothering me so much that I emailed Ben, who confirmed what I was thinking.  (Now, I get what the teacher was trying to demonstrate.  It just ended up being a poor example.)

The babysitter woke up late and called in sick 45 minutes before she was supposed to arrive.  I frantically called all the people.  Some were unable, some were able but it'd be a pain, and so Ben came home.  It was actually a good thing, because Isaac's chromebook was acting up again and it took some work arounds to get Isaac in the meeting he was supposed to be in.   There was supposed to be a second meeting, but Ben never found the link to that one.  I think there were some network issues today at the school, but a little more communication would have been nice.  (It wasn't quite as important though, so not a big deal.)

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