Monday, December 11, 2023

Monday: Moodle, day 2

Long story short, Moodle came back on-line today around 2pm.  They reverted back to a save from Sunday at 7am, and that caught a lot of stuff.  At least, it seemed to catch almost all of my stuff.  The final exam was a bit annoying because everyone had to email me their files instead of uploading them, but it is workable.  

I also almost couldn't find the printed version of the final exam.  A student worker had been tasked with bringing it to my office and put it in a different, although connected, room.

I was tired while making dinner.  Isaac kept trying to get me to do some exercises to wake me up and I finally told him I just wanted to complain about it.

I have a lot of grading to do in the coming week, but I feel like it is a normal amount for the end of a semester.  There is one assignment that needs to be graded, a few miscellaneous items, and then the final.  I'm hoping that I can steadily work away at it and it won't be too big of a deal.

Well, I guess that's all for now.

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