Monday, March 11, 2024

Monday: fun things

First of all, I finished cleaning the downstairs bathroom!  It might be a bit hard to tell from the pictures, but I scrubbed the floor, repainted the blue shelf, and touched up some paint.  (The paint touch up is a little obvious, but it's better than what was there before.)  I also cleaned off a ton of marks from one of the doors.

Before and after:

I'm most excited about the cabinets.  They went from a huge mess to useable.

While the volume of clutter wasn't huge, things that didn't belong have been moved to better spots.

I haven't been biking for a while so the bike got moved.  It might come back at some point.  In the meantime, the tables and ladders are being stored in that awkward area.

This only took me 4.5 months!  However...November and December were especially busy for me.  January had a ton of snow days which always throws the routine off.  So in some ways it's only been 1.5 months of frequent work.  Next up is the master bedroom.

Isaac was telling me about how he used Excel to sort some data to get frequency numbers from it more easily.  I had him show me.  And then I taught him about pivot tables!  And then about conditional formatting.  He said he had used an IF statement before, but he just kind of puzzled it out.  So we briefly looked at those and he realized that between the IF statements and the conditional formatting, he could make the "color by square" math puzzles he did during the pandemic.  (Note: I know you don't need an IF statement, but it was what was working for him.)  So he made this nice message for when I solved the math equation:

By the time Ben came home, Ben had to solve three equations.  One for each word. :)

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