Monday, September 6, 2010

Vacation day 4: horses

Today we went on a horse back ride. It was nice because there was a place by the ocean that served as a stopping/eating point, and allowed us to get off the horses often.

Here's the beach. This is my artist shot of the day.

We also got to swim with the horses. I think this is a once in a life experience for both of us...riding bareback is so uncomfortable! It also seemed like something the horses should enjoy because they got
to cool down, but Ben's horse sounded like it was growling the whole time (which might have been a good thing, but it sounded really weird).

Although most of the time wasn't this bad, we both felt like we were going to fall off a time or two!


Jess said...

I thought you wanted to ride dragons. I would imagine dragons to be more uncomfortable than horses don't you think?

Amanda said...

I think that dragons get saddles too! So it might be a little uncomfortable to ride a dragon, but hopefully not too bad.