Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday: 20 months

Joshua turned 20 months today!

Language: After last month's stall, this month Joshua seems to have exploded with language.  He definitely understands almost all of what we tell him.  He can point to many body parts when asked.  He can repeat words right after they're said.  He has words for several animal sounds, along with snack, this, up, Isaac, book, row row (as in row, row, row your boat) and probably a few more that I missed.

Playing: He still plays pretty well by himself.  His favorite activities are dancing/singing, cameras, playing with dishes, and books.  Oh, and plugging in an old keyboard to any hole that fits the USB connector.  It is surprising how many he has found in the basement.  He is enjoying Curious George, but doesn't always get through a whole episode.  He loves to play with Isaac, but it only works if Isaac is in the right mood.

Eating: lunch has gotten much better - there's even been a few times he's eaten all of his food!  Dinner remains a challenge.  He'll eat the bread products and often the fruit.  Anything beyond that is a surprise, although it happens sometimes.

Sleeping: has been a bit of a challenge lately.  However, he will sometimes know when he needs to go to bed at night.  He is waking up two to three times at night, but I can sometimes get away with just telling him to lay down and go back to sleep through the monitor.

Cuteness level: through the roof!  He's not very good at smiling for pictures, but I have seen lots more smiles.  There's been a few times that he's been the welcoming committee at some public place and says "hi" to everyone as they come through the door.  It is so fun to see him dance too.  And he is imitating so much!  It's been fun to see what he picks up on, like the self-timer for the camera.

Attitude: Joshua has been a bit clingy.  He tends to get especially clingy when he's hungry, but that is far from the only time.  I'd say most of the day is pretty good, with several spots that are hard.  He doesn't enjoy getting his diaper changed, but does like the lotion that he sometimes gets when the diaper is changed.

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