Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday: making food

Here's what happens at least once a day...

I'm making {breakfast/lunch/dinner} and realize that I'm out of {granola bars, chicken, canned fruit} in the kitchen but I have some in the basement.  I try to sneak to the stairs, but the gate squeaks and the kids hear it.

They want to join me in going down to the basement.  On my quick trip.  Every single time.

Isaac comes over and gets down the stairs pretty quickly!  "I beat you!" he exclaims.  Meanwhile, Joshua has opened the gate as far as possible, so that it bumps into the cedar chest and I wince.  He then turns around to go down the stairs backwards.  Half the time he starts too far away from the stairs and misses the target.  Joshua and I go slowly down the stairs.

I grab my item and ask everyone if they're coming back upstairs with me.  They don't have to, but they usually say yes.  Isaac races up the stairs and starts flashing his hands and me.  "I beat you this much!"  Joshua is a bit faster going up than down, but then we get to the top and he doesn't quite realize where to stand to close the gate, and I always think I'm going to topple him over.

Phew.  Ingredient obtained.  It only takes five minutes with kids instead of thirty seconds by myself, but apparently trips to the basement are super fun.


betsy said...

Similar experience here- not with groceries but with laundry :)

betsy said...

Similar experience here- not with groceries but with laundry :)