Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday: family activities

This afternoon we went to Life Sized Candyland at the library.  We went on the later side, so it wasn't busy and it went a lot faster that I was expecting.  But it was kind of like trick-or-treating, so that was fun.  Team Blue (Ben and Isaac) were ahead the whole game until Team Red (Mom and Joshua) took a last spin lead.  I'm not sure where Team Blue and Team Red came from today, but we did a lot of competing.  Mostly on who could get their buckles on or off fastest in the car.

Then after dinner tonight Ben and Joshua were playing on the couch as they always do.  Joshua started falling backwards at the slightest tap from Ben.


betsy said...

I never heard about that. What a fun idea! And great family picture!

betsy said...

I never heard about that. What a fun idea! And great family picture!