Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday: hobbies

One of the things I like about quilting is that it is semi-difficult for the kids to hurt my supplies.  Today we got a backing.  Isaac loved it because it was black.  It ended up in the basement...

We also had a bunch of circles in bowls for dinner in celebration of Pi day.

The bad part of the day was there seemed to be extra "Joshua's touching me!" and "Joshua hit me, but it doesn't hurt!" and "I want to play with you" [in a whiney voice] and "I'm hungry".  I finally yelled and them and told them to stay apart or deal with each other because I didn't want to deal with it.  I was apologizing to Isaac later and he said, "It didn't hurt my ears."  "Did it hurt your feelings?"  "Yeah, my headache is almost gone." doesn't seem as though it phased him.  Phew.  Except that I still don't know what to do about it.


betsy said...

I like your festive dinner :) I had my kids play in "centers" today... I think they like having some direction and boundaries similar to school... Less fighting was the result!!!

betsy said...

I like your festive dinner :) I had my kids play in "centers" today... I think they like having some direction and boundaries similar to school... Less fighting was the result!!!