Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday: how the day flew by

The day flew by today.  I kind of wish it had been slower as there were several things I wanted to do that I didn't get done.  Oh well.  Some days go like that.

In the morning we went to the pool.  Isaac had a great time.  Joshua took about 20 minutes to warm up to the idea and then I think he had a good time too.

We came home, had lunch, made some -nators (thanks to Phineas and Ferb), and had rest time.  I had been meaning to get work done, but by the time rest time came around I decided it would be a better use of my time to take a nap.  Besides, there was so much that I was supposed to do that it wouldn't all get done whether I took a nap or not.

Everyone slept very well, and so Joshua and I took longer naps than normal.  So long that my dinner plans suddenly didn't work as I didn't have time to prep it before going to the gym.  After thinking about it and realizing I should have also gone to the grocery store, we ended up with pigs in the blanket.

We went to the gym.  I did the spin class.  I liked it more than last time, but still not all that much.  The seats were rather uncomfortable.  I also felt like I worked too hard at the very beginning so by the end I wasn't working as hard as I should have been.

Home - dinner - put the boys to bed - did the work I should have done during nap time - quilted - bed.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Group power is much better than spin in my opinion :)