Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday: this and that

I feel as though Joshua is doing so many cute things lately.  (To be fair, he's also doing a lot of non-cute things.  But we won't go there.)

He's rocking.  And asking for more songs...and saying please.

He's setting up the self-timer on his play camera and saying "cheese".

I gave blood today.  It's the first time in quite a while, but it went very well.  There tend to be shortages after the winter holidays and during the summer.  While it is neither of those times, I am hoping to donate more often.

I cut the boys' hair today.  Isaac's only ended up ok; Joshua's turned out pretty good.  The person not getting their hair cut got the squirt bottle.  The floor was soaking wet by the time I was done.  However, Isaac had a grand time squirting the box.  He probably went through 1.5 bottles of water.

Isaac is sleeping in Joshua's bedroom tonight.  We billed it as a sleepover, but really it's an effort to get Joshua to sleep a bit better.  (Someone mentioned that sometimes seeing other people sleeping will trigger you to go back to sleep.  Since Isaac sleeps so soundly, it seems worth a try.  But also fun.)  He was up three times last night, although I only had to get out of bed twice.  I do have another idea as to what could help solve the problem, but don't really want to do it.  At least, not for about another month.


betsy said...

How did that work last night? I'm curious what your other idea is too!

betsy said...

How did that work last night? I'm curious what your other idea is too!