Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday: 51 months

Isaac turned 51 months today.

Puppy-dog had a pretty good month.  We heard him count up to 18 without missing any numbers.  (I'm pretty sure he could do 20, but I guess that'll be next month.)  He has started to figure out what letters are in words if they're not the first letter of the alphabet.  His math skills are getting pretty good if you give him simple story problems instead of just straight numbers.  (Such as "There are four chairs and five people.  How many more chairs do we need?)

Isaac still doesn't really enjoy going to the gym, but he always says that he had a good time afterwards.  And he doesn't like nap time at school, but otherwise enjoys it.  He enjoys going to church and to Grandma's house.  He currently wants to go to Aunt Jamie's house, and I'm not really sure where this came from or why he thinks he wants to go there.  (Not that we don't want to go there, but it's been a while and I think what he expects (toys) might not be the reality.)  He also wants to go to CCs house.  And Disney world.  I think he just likes getting out and playing with new things.

He also likes games, imagining things, reading, Ipad, and treats.  He usually plays well by himself, although he far prefers to play with Ben or me.  He's warming up to Joshua, but still isn't convinced he's a good playmate.  He has started to rock Ben after they read books at night.  He likes to turn on the TV and get shows started.

He sometimes will actually tell us what happened in school, with names of classmates, instead of just saying, "I don't know" when asked what he did at school.

One thing I've really noticed lately is how he can do a lot of things by himself.  He has done assorted things enough and knows what to do and can just do it.  (For example, Joshua fell asleep in the car before lunch.  I got Isaac's lunch together and told him that after lunch he should start his clock and have quiet time.  Then I started my nap too. (I did let him watch TV so it wouldn't be quite so lonely.))

He can reach the checkout buttons on the library computer.  I thought it would be a few more months, but suddenly he can do it.

Isaac loves silly things.  I'm thinking that April Fool's might have to be a semi-big event this year.  We'll takes some planning too.

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