Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sunday: puzzles and fireworks

I had a few extra minutes this evening and so worked on some puzzles with Joshua.  He was a pro.  So I got out the four piece puzzles.  He had the right idea, but execution wasn't great.  But that is good...something to work on.

Isaac got to go see his first fireworks tonight.  He took a nap this afternoon, as part of the deal, and then he and Ben went to Travis' neighborhood for them.  He loved them.  They were rather loud, but he just covered his ears.  Ben said that Isaac was saying "Bang, bang" in between the explosions and bouncing all over the place.  When they lit off a small one he would get a bit disappointed and wonder when the big ones were coming again.


betsy said...

The cup looks like a good idea!

betsy said...

The cup looks like a good idea!