Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tuesday: VBS

Today VBS continued.  Yesterday was fine, but ended on a down note...something that wasn't really a big deal but still made me upset.

Today went better, as expected.  I know the kids just a bit better...and it is surprising how some of them just start talking to you because you're there.  I don't talk to people just because they're there.  (Although I expect it is more of a personality thing than a kid/adult thing.)  Again, it went fine/good.

Isaac is able to go for the first time this year and loves it.  His favorite section is the craft, and the ocean bottle that they made yesterday still gets talked about quite a bit.  But he's talked about a few other aspects too.  Isaac looks so big at home and then when we get to church he looks so small.  Our activities are offset from each other, so I see him in the hallway a few times during the morning.  I'm not sure he sees me.

Joshua is doing well in the nursery.  I say nursery, but they get out to some of the activities.  They go to the music section and see the skit.  Today I saw them outside (for just a bit...it was rather hot).  Joshua is reported to really enjoy the music, which makes sense considering how much he likes music.  I should probably put it on more at home, but it just isn't something that I tend to do.  Here he is (not) looking at a sub that they had in the parking lot.  I didn't really want him to see me so it's a rather bad picture.

Usually they post pictures on the website, but I haven't seen any yet. :(  It's one of my favorite parts.


betsy said...

I wonder if you not talking to strangers and not listening to music are related? I think I'm opposite you on those :) glad this day went better!

betsy said...

I wonder if you not talking to strangers and not listening to music are related? I think I'm opposite you on those :) glad this day went better!