Sunday, July 17, 2016

Weekend: cottage

This past weekend we went up to Dad and Pat's cottage and had a wonderful (and relaxing) time.  Well, at least Ben and I relaxed.  I think the kids played hard.

We caught (and released) chipmunks.

Joshua got cookies from Grandpa while holding EE

Isaac got wheelbarrow rides from Grandpa.

Both boys enjoyed walking on the boat.

Isaac found the special rocks and cleaned them up

while Joshua threw the newly laid sand in the water.

Isaac helped Joshua clean off his hands...several times

...and then went on a paddleboat ride.

The swing was a big hit for both of them.  Joshua just liked to swing and Isaac liked to swing and twist.

More snacks!

A ride around the lake.

A boat ride.

Isaac even got to steer.

We went through some pretty lily pads.

And swung some more!

When we got home, and Isaac had cleaned his room, I found them like this watching TV.


betsy said...

Sounds like you had a great time! That last picture is so perfect!!! ❤

betsy said...

Sounds like you had a great time! That last picture is so perfect!!! ❤