Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wednesday: addendum about Isaac

1. In the middle of the afternoon, as I was doing some stuff in the bedroom I hear Isaac say, "I'll catch you if you fall. I'll catch you if you fall." I knew what Joshua was doing and was pretty sure he could handle it, but it was nice to hear that Isaac would help him, probably getting hurt in the process.

2. Ben was in Isaac's room and asked what some new looking rubber bands were for. (They went with one of his new presents.). Isaac responded that they were for shooting at the fan, and when you hit the fan it would fling it somewhere else. Ben asked if it was a mom-approved activity, and Isaac responded, "no, Iapproved this activity during little rest time."

3. Isaac, "is Joshua going to be more fun to play with when he's two? What if I say 'no thank you' and Joshua still doesn't listen to me?"

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