Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday: copying

Joshua copies Isaac all the time.  Things he says, things he likes, etc.  Some are unexpected but I guess not odd, such as robots, since we have them in the house.  Some things are more unexpected, such as liking the same green monkey that Isaac loved for a while (and calling it EE too, although maybe someone mentioned that was the name.)  The other unexpected thing is getting squirt with pretend water squirters all the time.  Anything can be a water squirter.

However, Isaac copies Joshua too.  He sees something that Joshua is doing and wants to do it.  Sometimes Joshua makes a funny noise and then Isaac copies it.  Today it was putting the suction cups on the the table.

This is Joshua's creation.

And this is Isaac's.


betsy said...

So cute they want to be like their brother :)

betsy said...

So cute they want to be like their brother :)