Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tuesday: school

 There was school today!  I was about 90% sure that it would be canceled, but since I work and Ben had meetings it actually worked out well.  I did end up making the kids walk through some really deep snow after dropping them off at school because the sidewalks hadn't been plowed yet.  They were both a bit grumpy about it, but they survived.

It should have been a snow day though.  I did a lot of driving and while roads weren't terrible, they also weren't good, it was cold out, and it was snowy.  

After rock climbing the kids voluntarily helped me shovel half the driveway.  Then Joshua, who hates the snow, played in the snow for the next half hour.

Around 10pm I received a phone call: school is canceled tomorrow.  I have mixed feelings - snow days are fun!  The kids will be so excited! But at the same time, how am I supposed to finish my chores?  I'm staying afloat, but I'm definitely adding more things to the to-do list than I'm taking off.  Also, I "blame" Ben for the snow day.  Whenever he's going to bring the kids in to school something happens so he gets to skip it.

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