Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday: shoveling water

The snow of the season has just started to come, but it's been slightly above freezing at the same time.  This lead to crazy amounts of slush and standing water everywhere.

Joshua was willing to help me shovel the driveway as his exercise option today and I'm really glad he was out there with me.  We wanted to get it before it actually froze because it's going to stay cold for a while and we'd have a sad driveway.  It was so heavy and wet though.  Usually when the snow is this wet it's on it's way to melting and I can ignore it instead of shoveling it.

In other news, Isaac is doing better than yesterday but we're going to keep him home for another day because he wasn't really with it today either.  Classes started for me today.  Moodle seems exceptionally slow this semester...like click a link and wait 10 seconds.  Short enough to not really be able to do anything else, but long enough to be annoying and noticeable.  The classes themselves were fine though.  The biggest question is how someone managed to have the Euro symbol as their default currency instead of the $ when their computer settings are set to $ as default.  Still haven't figured that one out, but it isn't too big of a deal either.

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