Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Wednesday: fails?

Well, today we won some and we lost some.

Dad came over to help with our circuit breaker.  The owners before us did the basement improperly and while we've been fine we should be safer.

Fail: the first trip to Lowes I got the wrong breakers.
Win: the second trip I got the correct breakers and we were done within the time limit.

After snack time we were going to go rock climbing, but it was a fail: the gear was in Ben's car, and he went back to work today.

So we did some other errands.  We failed at Staples, but I was at least able to get a better feel for what I was looking for.

We won at the library!  Our favorite librarian was there, Joshua found a bunch of books he wanted to read, and Isaac got an interesting take-home art project.

We also won at the UPS store, but there isn't anything interesting to say about that.

Both boys were a little bored today, but both of them managed to find something to do so that was a win too.

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