Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday: epic dinochickens

Once upon a time there was a dinochicken named Tristan. Tristan had a very happy life, clucking with other dinochickens, and living his life at extreme temperatures.

But one day Tristan met Tyrek. Tristan went up to Tyrek, clucking away.

But Tyrek was not a very nice dinochicken. Upon seeing Tristan, Tyrek's dinosaur instincts kicked in and he started fiercely attacking.

"Never fear, the longnecks are here!" Some of Tristan's faithful dinochicken friends came to his rescue.

The three of them overcame Tyrek and made sure that he would never again give a bad name to dinochickens.

The End


Anonymous said...



Zachary and Jennifer said...

Bravo! Great dinner theatre. :-)

Lisa said...

You crack me up! :)