Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday: why I am (semi) happy to pay my taxes

Do I like paying taxes? Not really. Does it seem unfair that those who make a lot of money have to pay more taxes? Sure. Do I think the money could be handled better? Yes. But today I don't want to talk about such topics tonight. Today I want to refute the comment "I've never heard anyone tell me anything good that taxes have done for them."

Taxes pay my salary. Taxes actually pay a lot of salaries when you think about it.
Taxes pay for schools. Even if the schools aren't very good learning is still important.
Taxes pay for recycling.
Taxes pay for a lot of social services...some that keep me safe (I can pretend it's like insurance) and some help out people who are having a hard time.

In conclusion, while taxes do have several downsides, they also do have some positive effects on society.


Jess said...

I agree Amanda, I had similar thoughts and "like" paying our taxes, because of the benefits we get from them. I'm sure the money could be handle more wisely, as I am sure my own money could be handle more wisely too.

Anonymous said...

so, you get taxed on your income, you get taxed on what you buy, you get taxed on your house and you get taxed on what you leave when you die.

Does this seem a little extreme?

Amanda said...

Dear Anonymous,

I think I already answered that question with the statement, ". Do I think the money could be handled better? Yes." If the money was handled better than some of the taxes could be eliminated or at least reduced. But even though, as you say, the taxes do get a little extreme, I am still able to see that they currently do some good things.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous: I would suggest that the number of ways in which you're taxed is irrelevant. Something on the order of total taxes paid, either as an absolute amount, or preferably as a ratio vs. income are much more reasonable places to start a discussion.
