Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday: last day of summer

 School starts tomorrow!  We just had an easy day today.

As I reflect on the summer, it was a pretty good one.

Downside: I heard "Mom..." too much.  It's the first time it's every really bothered me.  Most of the times it was followed by a reasonable statement or request.  The rest of the time...well, would you rather be eaten by a shark or a cat?

Upside: I felt like the summer was well balanced.  There were plenty of things to do, but it wasn't overwhelming.  I only infrequently heard the kids complain about being bored.  

Downside: we didn't play as many games as last summer.  

Upside: we saw a lot more people throughout the summer

All that being said, I am ready for them to go back to school.  During the summer I don't do as much house work and I'm starting to go a little crazy.  (It's still the correct choice, but it can be hard to feel productive if the house looks exactly the same in the morning as the evening.)


Today during snack time Isaac and Joshua were talking nonsense as normal and I heard the following:
Isaac: Which is louder?  Eating the Lego alligator or the pretzel?
Joshua, immediately and with absolutely no hesitation: I'll try the pretzel.

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