Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thursday: a normal summer day

 Today was a pretty good day.  As I was relating my day to Ben I realized I didn't get a lot of stuff done that was on my list for today.  Although that's pretty normal for the summer, it felt like even less than normal.

However, I did get a lot of stuff done with the kids.  Joshua's twinkle lights are up.  Isaac and I finished another Minecraft set, and in doing so found all the missing pieces to the first set we did.  I'm happy because the missing pieces are found!  However, I'm also a bit grumpy about it because it was a little annoying to look for all those pieces earlier.  We also cleaned the basement in advance of some guest coming.

Some guests came in the afternoon.  Natalie and I played several games while the kids played with Legos.  Joshua said he only had an ok time, but he seemed to be rather involved the whole time.  Isaac got into the play too and seemed to enjoy himself.

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