Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday: Ben cracks me up

Announcer in Amanda's head: Ben and Amanda are talking about what to have for dinner when they get side tracked to talking about things they want to have for dinner but don't have the ingrediants. This includes Shepard's Pie and Baked Spaghetti. Let's see how it's going.

Ben: Shepard's pie is usually made from lambs, not from chicken.
Amanda: Oh, I guess that makes sense. Shepards tend sheep.
Amanda: What do you call a cow tender?
Amanda: It isn't a joke.
Ben: Oh. I don't really know. But I do know what you call a chicken tender.
Amanda: what?
Ben: delicious.

Announcer: and that concludes today's Random Conversation.


Zachary and Jennifer said...

Chicken Tenders are delicious. :-D

Ever have Captain Crunch Chicken Tenders? Super delicious.

The Accidental Boilermaker said...

that made me laugh

Cheryl said...

You both crack me up!! :-)