Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday: misc

Here is the baptism video.  I wasn't able to combine them without losing significant image quality, so you have two videos.  And the second one you may want to skip the middle section of the other babies being baptized.

3:15-6:04 are the other baptisms...while important, maybe skippable for the purposes of this blog.

Today our goal was to keep Isaac awake for an hour in between naps during the day.  The reason is that he has started waking up around 4am quite awake.  Ben and I usually go give him a pacifier once and that does the trick, but it is still not what we want to be doing.  This was a little hard, but we did it...and it seemed to work rather well even.  The real test will be tonight.  Oh, except for right before dinner, when even tummy time couldn't wake him up.

Flurry has found a new hiding spot under Isaac's crib, although it looks like she's in jail.

I set Isaac down in the non-swinging swing for five minutes to go move around some furniture and he fell asleep.  But he had been awake for a while, so it was rather understandable

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