Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday: giraffes, Flurry, and socks

Today we learned about giraffes.  Did you know that Isaac is only slightly longer than a giraffe's tongue?  We also played with his two giraffes, Mabel and Geoff.  Mabel is in love with Isaac.  You can see it in her eyes.

Flurry had a good day exploring boxes.  It's always fun to suddenly find her in a new box.

And lastly, I decided I needed to get rid of some of my socks.  My problem is that I've only gotten rid of them if there is a hole.  But if they don't fit right or there is almost a hole, I tend not to wear them.  So I decided I would document them and then get rid of them.  Isaac helped show them off.

(I think the black socks look like a colonial hat.)
(He wasn't as helpful of a model for the second set.)


Anonymous said...

The second pic looks like a pirate hat. Maybe he's playing two roles in pirates of the Carribean.


Ashley said...

Ava has Sophie. She loves her!!