Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday: Happy Father's Day

Today, instead of celebrating Father's Day in a semi-proper fashion, I helped Ben and Dad live up to their fatherly potential.

I went to church this morning, not feeling all that great but hoping I was just tired.  About twenty minutes into the service I called it quits, packed up the boys, and dropped with off with Ben while I went to bed.  And shivered.  The dumb thermometer wouldn't give me a higher temperature than 97.9F, but there was obviously a fever coming.  I waited about 15 more minutes and took Ibprofin.  My temperature continued to increase, peaking around 101.2 when I added in the Tylenol.  I've been running a low grade temperature since then, continuing with the medicine.

Now here's the thing; Ben's back was in more pain than normal too.  He made it through lunch, we had our house cleaner play with the boys instead of clean, and then my dad came over.  He brought the boys out for ice cream and played with them a bit.

Thanks to the Dads, who come through to help out even on their "special" day.


betsy said...

Oh no! Crazy summer sickness! Glad you had help!

betsy said...

Oh no! Crazy summer sickness! Glad you had help!