Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tuesday:with pictures

Circuits were a big hit again today.  Fan launches, lights, all sorts of things.  I'm not completely sure why it was moved to the couch, but whatever.  Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday that Isaac noticed the resistors that are in the speaker and was able to accurately identify them!

Joshua was enjoying watching Isaac, but also likes getting his picture taken.

I found this jumble in Isaac's bedroom.  What prompted him to take down all his empty hangers?  Did they make good marble manipulators?  Questions I probably will never find out the answer to.

New bike helmets!  Joshua hasn't actually worn his in a "dangerous" situation, but you never know when a head injury will happen.  We water the neighborhood flowers on Tuesdays, and I signed up partially to get Isaac to ride his bike.  I had to force him to do it, but then he did a great job.

This is the bubble toy Joshua got for Christmas.  I think both boys enjoyed having Isaac use it more, because Joshua can't get as many bubbles out yet.

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