Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday: made it

Phew, we made it through today.  Ben is still recovering from a weekend bug - nothing serious, but annoying, I was tired and therefore grumpy, Joshua was weird tonight.  Oh, Isaac was surprisingly sad because he didn't get a bath.  Joshua had dumped carrot puree all over his head at lunch and needed one, but then I emptied the tub because I didn't think Isaac wanted one.  Turns out he did.  He really really did.  I think we compromised on a long bath tomorrow before dinner.  I'm rather excited about this compromise, actually.

But the house is more-or-less clean for a few hours, so that's nice.  We also got a few random chores done, including moving the extra food supplies from the basement to the front closet.  I'm rather excited about the move.  It turns out that we have five boxes of pasta.  That's just the "extra" pasta; I'm sure there is a box in the kitchen too.  We also have four boxes of graham crackers, but we go through a lot of graham crackers.

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