Friday, June 3, 2016

Thursday: activity fail

Today we had two activities: dust and dress up in toilet paper.  (It originally said toilet paper mummies, but Isaac wasn't excited.)

We started with dusting.  It went fine.  The boys enjoyed using the step stool to get some of the higher spots.  We got some dust out of the house.  Check.

Then on to dress up with toilet paper.  Isaac was still against it.  Well, ok.  I said he could be the photographer and I'd do it with Joshua.  Yeah, Joshua was against it too.  I made myself a little hat and called it a flop.

And I have my first funny Joshua conversation!  We were praying before dinner.  (Usually Joshua repeats the last word of the phrase that we say.)

Ben: Dear God, Thank  you for today.  Thank you for airplanes
Joshua: airplanes.
Ben: Thank you for this food.
Joshua: airplanes.
Ben: and please bless it to our bodies.
Joshua: airplanes.
Ben: In Jesus name, Amen
Joshua: Amen.

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