Friday, March 20, 2020

Day 5: field trip

I know, I know.  A field trip!  We went to the karate school and used their obstacle course.  It's one of Isaac's favorite things to do and Joshua was super excited to get to do it too.  (We stayed well away from the owners.  They had cleaned the obstacle pieces before we came and we cleaned them well before leaving.)

Isaac's life skill was laundry.  I only had him collect, sort, and start the first load.  It seemed like enough.

Joshua's life skill was to make take-n-break cookies.  Dealing with the oven was a big deal.

The afternoon was a bit rough.  Isaac didn't like/didn't want/didn't I don't know to do his stuff.  It wasn't that he wasn't going to do it, but he kept wanting to switch to something else.  I said no, he was in the middle of it.  We did stop on the earlier side though, after getting the reading/writing/math done.  I wish there was an easier way to tell if the kids are close to their breaking point without actually getting to tears.  Maybe I'll have to make a 'button' that they can give me and as long as it isn't overused adjust accordingly.  We'll see.

Unfortunately, we still don't get our special 'no tears yesterday' breakfast.  I'm not sure weekends count.  The boys also don't know there is a treat, so that might not be helping.

After prayer time tonight Joshua asked, "Why doesn't God just take the virus away?"  What a great question!  So we talked about it for a little bit.  Then Isaac asked, "How did God start?  What was there before God?"  So we talked about that.  Deep thoughts from these kids!

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