Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday: what will be first?

I've been insanely curious...what are we going to run out of that will cause us to get groceries?  I stocked up the a week ago Friday, but there tends to be that one item that you run out of the night you go grocery shopping.  (Sometimes you can live without it for a week, sometimes you can't.) 

We still haven't found it.  There are several items on the grocery list right now, although not as many as I was expecting it being over a week since the last grocery trip.  We're going through the snacks quickly, but I also think we could get rather creative with the snacks.  It might be granola bars, although I asked Ben to bring his stash home from work and I don't know if he did or not yet.  We don't have a lot of cream cheese, but I'm the only one that eats that and can *probably* find something else to eat.

With Ben home for lunches we'll be going through lunch food faster too. 

I've been trying to empty out the freezer of some of the old stuff for quite a while, so hopefully this will help that initiative.

Hmm, hmm.  It's a mystery.

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