Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday: social isolation - day 2

Today went better than yesterday.  I'm not really sure why.

I'm all ready for tomorrow.  The kitchen table has been cleaned off.  The white board was brought upstairs.  I decided that Joshua gets to have school every day too, because I don't think I can do one child with school and one without, especially on the days I need to work too.

While I've seen all kinds of schedules floating around on Facebook, I'm taking a slightly different approach.  I've made a list of the things that 'need' to be done.  We'll cut them out tomorrow and they can choose the order.  Obviously, I can take out things or change the order a bit if needed...recess needs to happen at the same time for both boys.  I can't help two children at once, etc.  This gives them some control while still having a rhythm to the day.  If they finish early, they finish early and can enjoy free time.  If it takes them forever, then it takes them forever.

I especially like how both of them felt the need to write on their papers.

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