Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday: award

At karate today Isaac and I formally promoted to green stripe after practice.  We've been working on green stripe stuff for the last week, but it was still nice.

Then, they called Joshua up!  I was surprised, but Joshua was especially surprised.  They gave him a medal for being a great sideline person and being very respectful while Isaac and I are working.  He really didn't seem to have any idea what was going on, because he kept facing the wrong way.  However, he was super proud of his medal. 

(And he really does do a great job while we're at karate.  He does periodically call me over if he needs help, but it only happens once in a while and he knows how to do it safely.  He brings a Lego set on Mondays and gets screen time on Thursdays and is able to spend the 45 minutes by himself.)

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