Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday: this and that

We had a slow start to the morning because we had a special breakfast of blueberry strudel that needed to be baked.  And by slow, I mean not-really-much-slower than normal.  Isaac wore his sleeping bag for half the day.

We're having serious mouse problems with the computer on the left; it sometimes recognizes the mouse and then it just stops.  We've tried multiple mice.  I think we might bring Isaac's desktop upstairs for now; that way he also won't bother Ben as Ben is trying to work.

Isaac is doing an alegra unit on Khan academy, but there wasn't a review for the unit he was working on so he got to use the white board.

Joshua's life skill was finishing up the muffins.

In keeping with the Lego challenge theme, Joshua altered his challenge.  It was supposed to be an ice cream truck.  It ended up being an ice cream place that shoots out ice cream.

Work time.  I gave a small exam today.  It was exceptionally boring, as I flipped through the screens and watched the students not cheat.  (Or cheat well enough that I couldn't tell.)

Isaac's life skill was making meatballs.  He dealt with touching the meat better than I expected.  We also finished up two containers of bread crumbs and started a third...Italian ones, normal ones, and Japanese ones.  I'm not sure why I have so many bread crumbs, but I'm glad to get rid of some.  Pantry cleaning for the win!

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