Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday: school is still happening

Well, we continued on with school today.  We made it through the day.  Hopefully some learning is going on.  Also, I think Joshua got accepted into EC next year (as expected) because I had to sign up for a screening time.  However, we haven't been officially accepted so I found the order of things a bit crazy.  Well, it's crazy times everywhere.  We also got an email that said there would be more distance learning after spring break (when the governor announces schools will be closed for longer).  I think that would be helpful, but it might be annoying too.  We'll see how it plays out I guess.

Joshua's lego challenge was to build a shark.  He built a shark mech with a shark on top of it.

We got groceries today.  Well, I guess Ben picked up groceries that I ordered today.  It turned out that we ran out of milk first.  How boring.  I was surprised some of the items that were out of stock: yogurt tubs, pizza rolls, and canned potatoes.  There were a few other things too, but they were replaced with similar items at least.

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