Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday: day 3

Today went pretty well, although we haven't managed to have a tear-less day yet.

Also, I start wondering about boredom levels when Isaac starts doing his chores BEFORE I get out of bed for the day.  I'm not sure whether to be proud of him for taking the initiative or really scared that he's bored out of his mind.

Isaac started the day out with science.  We're doing a unit on circuits.  And by unit, I mean whatever seems to be an appropriate amount for the day.  Yesterday he identified series vs parallel resistors, today we calculated and measured series resistors, and tomorrow we're going to identify the resistors based on their bands.

Joshua started out with art.  I told him to look out the window and draw whatever he saw.  The yellow is the sunrise.  The green thing in a circle is the dead plant.  He also saw a bird but didn't feel confident enough to draw it, so just wrote it.

One reason today went well is that the boys spent more time outside than normal.  I really let them stay outside as long as they want, but that just hasn't been very long.  Today there was a game that involved yelling at the front door (because they only get one doorbell ring a day) and leaving a 'package'.  I'd loudly say some absurd thing and bring it inside.  So then Isaac, a thief, came inside to steal my stuff!  So I locked assorted doors and unlocked other doors and they found the spare key and Isaac managed to unlock a door and apparently it was the one of the best games ever.

Isaac's working on a project to make a stop-motion video and really getting into it.  (That's what his tears were from...the app is not the most user friendly.)  I'm trying to get him to do most of it by himself, so we briefly talked about his first one and then he made another one:

At lunch time I tend to ask the boys how it's going - what is good, what could be better, what they don't like.  Joshua's been pretty easy to please after we made sure to keep him warm enough outside.  Actually, Isaac's been pretty easy to please too, although he has more suggestions.  They're usually pretty good and minor suggestions, so several have been put into effect.

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