Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday: week 3, day 2

Isaac cleaned the toilets today.  He wasn't thrilled with it, but in the past he's been happy to clean them.  Maybe it's because I made him clean the outside too, which is not as much fun.

Joshua's Lego challenge was to build a bird.  (We're pretending to do a unit on birds.  It involves him looking out the window and counting a lot of birds.)  Anyway, he made a hummingbird mech with a parrot controller.

Isaac: I was thinking.  There are 24 students in the class and 24 hours in the day, so Mrs. Jonker could spend an hour with each of us!
Amanda: yeah, but...what is a problem with that plan?
Isaac: We'd only get to see her for an hour.
Ben: What other problems are there?
Isaac: Some students would have to be awake at 3am
Ben: Pretend you're the teacher.  Then what is the problem?
Isaac: Um, I wouldn't have time to eat?  I could do that while teaching.
Ben: Keep going...
Isaac: or sleep
Amanda: or do anything besides teaching!

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